NAVSUP - Foreign Influence Survey of Myanmar – Vulnerable Population Study Survey - 2021

Description of Project:

The objective of this project is to conduct a ten thousand (10,000) person face to face survey throughout Myanmar’s fourteen states and regions and Nay Pyi Taw for the Vulnerable Population Study (VPS). This is a fully representative survey of all adults (aged 16 or older) residing in both urban and rural areas and representative of age, gender, occupation and ethnicity. The survey aims to better understand public perceptions and influences, with particular reference paid to foreign influences.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

MKE implemented the following tasks:

1.     Inception Phrase

●      Prepared and revised survey questionnaires to ensure it was culturally sensitive and could be understood;

●      Developed methodology and representative and random sampling technique that covered the fourteen states and regions and Nay Pyi Taw and represented age, gender and ethnicity;

●      Submit data collection plan together with work-plan and methodology, and the target areas as primary sampling unit and mappings.

●      Translated the survey questionnaire into different ethnic languages, back-translations, show card creations and coding in CAPI software for data collection.

●      Organized the Government Approval Process for in-person data collection in all states and regions.

●      Conducted recruitment process for field teams and managed the sub-contractor for data collection plan.

2.     Data Collection Phrase

●      Conducted the pilot testing in representative states/regions and submitted the outputs.

●      Closely monitored the situation under the political changes and pandemic conditions.

3.     Final Phrase

Before the actual field work, U.S Embassy requested to cease all work immediately after the Myanmar Military coup that happened on 1st February 2021.


UNFPA - Multistate Endline/Baseline Assessment for Women and Girls’ First Programme


GIZ - Evaluation of MYSAP Nutrition Awareness and Advocacy Campaigns - 2021