TA-9723 REG: Support for Human and Social Development in Southeast Asia - Preparing the MYA: Improving Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Prevention and Treatment (52335-001)

Description of Project:

The project aimed to support the Myanmar Ministry of Health and Sports (MOHS) to enhance capacity of prevention and treatment services for non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The project was proposed to have three components: (i) policy planning and coordinated implementation for NCDs response strengthened; (ii) health promotion and prevention of NCDs improved; and (iii) NCDs diagnosis and treatment capacity enhanced. The project was prepared by a project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA), supported from various resources within ADB. The main tasks included:

·   Financial analysis and financial management assessment of executing and implementing agencies;

·    Development of a detailed investment plan;

·    Preparation of a gender analysis and gender action plan;

  • Preparation of environmental, involuntary resettlement and indigenous people due diligence and develop risk mitigation plans.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

MKE implemented the following tasks in cooperation/ consultation with the project team:

·   Assisted in the preparation of the country project investment plan, financing plan, country projections of future incremental costs; identified cash flow requirements and recommended appropriate fund flow mechanism and disbursement schedule; helped complete financial management assessment (FMA) of the executing and implementing agency (EA & IA); discussed with the Borrower the financial management assessment, the basis and results of financial projections, and relevant proposed financial risk mitigation measures;

·     Assisted in conducting a gender analysis and confirming project gender categorization; and in the preparation of a gender action plan; collected sex-disaggregated data; developed mitigation measures and enhancement measures;

·         Assisted in orienting the EA and IA on ADB’s safeguard policy requirements and procedures; helped assess the national policy and legal framework for resettlement if any, and proposed measures to bridge any gaps; recommended appropriate grievance redress mechanism to handle complaints; assisted in developing an internal and external monitoring and evaluation plan, conduct of training; helped determine whether ethnic groups in the area qualify as "Indigenous Peoples"; reviewed and assessed the capacity of the responsible institutions; organized investigations and consultations with affected persons; ensured overall project compliance with ADB’s involuntary resettlement and indigenous peoples safeguards, and summarized social analysis results;

·     Conducted meetings with local authorities;

·   Provided inputs for the Inception Report, Draft Reports and Final Report.


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