Transaction Centre III (BIDV) - The Third Rural Finance Project – Final Socio-economic Impact Assessment Review - 2013
Project Description:
The Development Objective of the Third Rural Finance Project (RF) was to increase economic benefits for rural private enterprises and households by improving their access to finance. The expected outcomes included:
(i) improved access to financial services for rural entrepreneurs
(ii) increased capital investment made by the rural entrepreneurs as well as increased employment
(iii) increased lending, particularly term lending to the rural private sector for capital investment by all participating financial institutions (PFIs) on market-based terms. The RF III was implemented within a period of five years (2009-2013) on the wholesale mechanism with BIDV as the Apex Bank, wholesale project fund to participating financial institutions and micro financial institution (PFIs) and those PFIs would on-lend the loan to end borrowers at rural areas.
Mekong Economics had accomplished a number of activities which consisted of the implementation of a survey of more than 400 end-borrowers, in-depth interviews with more than 40 individuals representing the PFIs and other related agencies, data analysis, reporting and presentation of findings to relevant stakeholders.