USAID - Promoting the rule of law in Myanmar: “Awareness and Rights of Kachin IDPs Under the Reformed Land Law: A Focus on Chinese Tissue Culture Banana Plantation Land Acquisition”

Description of Project:

Mekong Economics has applied for this research funded by USAID PRLM. This qualitative research project on land vulnerability among IDPs and their access to justice under the legal land framework. IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) in Kachin were facing a three-pronged threat to their land rights. The continued lack of legal protection for customary land, the introduction of the amendment to the VFV (Vacant, Fallow and Virgin) Land Management Law in October 2018, and the influx of banana plantations across Kachin state had all heightened IDPs’ land vulnerabilities and exacerbated longstanding patterns of land dispossession. Through a combination of focus group discussions (FGDs) with marginalized communities, informants with key experts, and extensive secondary research, this project sought to analyse the avenues available to IDPs to protect their land rights.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

●         Provide technical expertise and inputs into the research plan, formulating the research methodology, technical inputs, data collection tools, and overall objectives of the research

●         Perform desk research on Rule of Law in Myanmar, specifically related to rights of IDPs living in Kachin and Shan States. Liaise with news agencies and reporters to obtain additional information on national perceptions/ awareness of the IDPs land rights issue;

●         Conduct a primary data collection in Kachin state, organising the FGDs (focus group discussions) and KIIs (key informant interviews) in Waingmaw and Myitkyina Townships.

●         Conduct extensive analysis of all notes from primary research through inputting into data matrices, with the inputs of external land experts

●         Collaborate with external consultants on the project to incorporate expert technical assistance and inputs into final research product

● Write and submit final report on the challenges faced by Kachin IDPs in protecting and registering their land under the rule of law. Present research findings to staff at the US Embassy and Chemonics.

Mekong Economics