Relief International - Learning from capitalisation of village savings loans association - 2021

Description of Project:

This assignment aimed to prepare a research paper on the effect of capitalisation on the savings culture of the village savings loans association (VSLAs) and how the structure might be adapted to strengthen the savings culture, livelihoods and social safety net.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

MKE implemented the following tasks:

●        Identified and evaluated the impact and effect (actual and potential) of both internal and external capitalization on the VSLA groups;

●        Analyzed the current savings and loans culture and existent social safety net within the VSLA groups including the gender dynamics relating to these and microfinance as a whole;

●        Developed and recommended a clear structure to the RI external capitalization of VSLA groups for livelihoods while sustaining the voluntary savings, loans and social safety net culture;

●        Proposed a social safety net approach that covered crisis (emergency) and stability (through livelihoods) and integrated this into the umbrella of the VSLA monitoring/tracking system;

●        Analyzed and proposed a pathway to linking the VSLAs to formal financial system in Myanmar where they would be regulated;

●        Proposed recommendations that would be subjected to further studies to investigate opportunities and potential for roll‐out based on the local context (Myebon and Mrauk U);

● Produced a final report/research paper with findings, facts, figures and case studies validated by the indicators.


UNOPS Programme evaluation of gender principled projects - 2021


UNFPA - Multistate Endline/Baseline Assessment for Women and Girls’ First Programme