UNOPS Programme evaluation of gender principled projects - 2021

Description of Project:

The evaluation aimed to assess the effectiveness of the grants and evaluate the appropriateness of approaches and identify opportunities to strengthen advocacy efforts for greater participation of women in the peace process. In addition to assessing each individual grant performance and achieved results, the evaluation enfolded the acceptance and acknowledgement on the importance of Women Peace and Security issues and greater participation of women in the peace process among stakeholder groups.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

MKE implemented the following tasks in cooperation/ consultation with the project team:

●        Reviewed key documents

●        Consulted with key stakeholders on the evaluation methodology

●        Contributed to the inception report

●        Conducted consultations/ interviews with identified stakeholders in project areas

●        Conducted project site visits in coordination with various stakeholders and project personnel

●  Contributed to the final report to JPF


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Relief International - Learning from capitalisation of village savings loans association - 2021