World Vision - Mid Term Review for the Tanintharyi Region Rural Income and Livelihoods Development Myanmar Project - 2021

Description of Project:

The project is a unique partnership between two in-country partners in Myanmar: World Vision and VisionFund Myanmar, and New Zealand partners Lincoln University (LU) and World Vision New    Zealand. Funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and WVNZ private donors. The activity was designed to leverage WVM’s and VFM’s in-country implementation expertise in economic development projects in rural and community development with LU’s long standing applied research excellence in the analysis and development of agri-food value chains and producer organisations. WVNZ will tie the three partners together and supply expertise in MFAT grant and contract management, international and domestic partnership management, and monitoring and evaluation support.  

The Review has the following major objectives:

1. Measure and assess project progress to date towards key priority outcomes and outputs intended to be delivered by mid Y3, as defined in the Results Measurement Table (RMT).

2. Make recommendations for implementation focus and practices during the remaining project period.

3. Review and make recommendations on Monitoring and evaluation tools and practices.

4. To consider current coordination and working modalities between project partners and provide recommendations on how to further work together in order to achieve the project goal.

5. Document promising practices, key lessons learned and recommendations, which will refine the project going forward and the wider livelihood portfolio.

Mekong Economics implemented the following tasks:

a)    Mid-term evaluation design and plan complete of methodology, timeframe, and estimated budget.  

b)    Collected data by 50 Surveys,60 KIIs including cooperation partners and 10 FGDs

c)      Develop tools for data collection  

d)     Raw clean database in Excel and SPSS/STATA format including variable names and codes; indicator calculation matrix; outlining how each indicator is computed from the evaluation tools.  

e)    Inception and Draft report.  

f)      Facilitate workshop to discuss the findings.  

g)     A final report incorporating all feedback.  

h)  PowerPoint Presentation


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