Ecorys - (Public) transport services in the Chindwin River corridor/ Assessment of “round 2” project applications for the Dutch grant programme ORIO - 2021

Description of Project:

The proposed project will be carried out in the Sagaing region in Myanmar. Many of the road sections leading to cities and villages within the corridor are secondary roads or tertiary roads. Large sections of these roads are face severe accessibility problems, especially during the rainy season.

Private vessel operators currently operate ferry transport services, primarily along routes; Monywa-Khamti, Monywa-Homalin and Homalin-Khamti, making several stops in between. However, several problems exist with the transport services provided by these companies and the Myanmar Ministry of Transport and Communications (MoTC) is looking to reinstate public ferry services on the Chindwin River.

In support of decision-making on the reinstatement of these ferry services, services of a local consultant are required to carry out fact-finding on the current transport services by road and ferry between Monywa and Homalin (including the major settlements in between) and between Homalin and Hkami.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

MKE implemented the following tasks:

●        Prepared an overview of (i) Supply of road transport services and ferry transport services (e.g., number of public / private operators between the major settlements along the corridor, frequency of services between these settlements, average travel time between the settlements, travel cost, quality of transport services), and (ii) Demand for road transport services and ferry transport services (e.g., average daily demand for transport between each of the major settlements, average load factor);

●        Conducted meetings at the start and end of the assignment via skype, zoom or teams;

●        Conduted field mission to collect data and information;

●        Provided a qualitative and basic quantitative description of the research issues, and a clear indication of sources and/or assumptions used for its quantifications;

● Provided key findings in a short report in English


LWF - Hope Project - 2021


World Vision - Mid Term Review for the Tanintharyi Region Rural Income and Livelihoods Development Myanmar Project - 2021