LWF - Hope Project - 2021

Description of Project:

Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Myanmar is an international NGO serving people in Myanmar since 2008. It commenced operations in Rakhine in 2013, and its programming addresses humanitarian and development assistance for displaced people, conflict‐affected host communities, and other vulnerable or impoverished communities in an impartial, participatory, and inclusive manner. LWF activities include camp coordination and camp management (CCCM), education in emergencies (EiE), shelter, non‐food items, women’s  empowerment,  disaster  risk  reduction,  livelihoods,  water,  sanitation  and  hygiene  (WASH), protection, social cohesion, and rights‐based empowerment.  

The project aimed to increase:

a)    Access to quality service: Increased access to dignified and safe shelters and education facilities

b)    Access to livelihood: Increased income and food and nutrition security

c)     DRR and Fire safety: Enhanced coping capacity at risk-communities

d) Social cohesion and peaceful co-existence: Strengthen social cohesion and peaceful co-existence between Muslims IDP and host communities

Mekong Economics implemented the following tasks:

a)    Developed the evaluation design and plan complete of methodology, timeframe, and estimated budget.

b)    Collect Data by 400 HH surveys, over 30 stakeholders KIIs including government officials, 9 IDIs and 18 FGDs.

c)      Develop tools for data collection and trained Field researchers and enumerators for data collections

d)    Raw clean database in Excel and SPSS/STATA format including variable names and codes; indicator calculation matrix; outlining how each indicator is computed from the evaluation tools.  

e)    Submitted inception and Draft report.  

f)      A final report incorporating all feedback.  

g) PowerPoint Presentation


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