World Concern - Nutrition Causal Analysis - Improved economic and nutritional outcome of poor rural people in Norther Kayin State - 2016
Project Description:
A Nutrition Causal Analysis (NCA) was one of the activities planned during the inception phase of CDN’s LIFT-funded rural livelihoods project. The NCA included a quantitative and qualitative methodology. The quantitative data for the NCA was collected from household interviews (400 households).
MKE reviewed and finalized the quantitative questionnaire and FGD questionnaire, and uploaded it into Kobo Toolbox, translated the qualitative and quantitative questionnaire into Burmese, and contributed in the design of a high quality study (qualitative and quantitative) in coordination with World Concern Myanmar. Further, MKE conducted the pilot testing and finalized the qualitative and quantitative questionnaire; then cleaned the quantitative and qualitative data and produced high quality data available for analysis. The final stage of the project involved the writing of a report based off of the findings from both qualitative and quantitative analyses. This report included a list of recommendations for the implementation of the project.