Kimetrica LLC (funded by USAID) - Myanmar Analytical Activity (MAA) - 2019

Project Description:

USAID/Burma (Myanmar) requires analytical support to supplement its current portfolio of Democracy and Governance, national reconciliation, economic growth and health activities. This analytical support is aligned with the Democracy and Governance Project Appraisal Document and will primarily focus on the drivers of conflict impacting the implementation of development programs by USAID/ Burma. The activity will enable the Mission to better address emerging issues, take advantage of opportunities, and react to unexpected political and economic events and social conditions.

USAID/Burma anticipates the most significant need for support in addressing conflict dynamics in Kachin, Shan, and Rakhine States, southeastern Myanmar, and the influence of national political and economic actors and institutions based in Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw. The multitude of layers impacting Myanmar’s development and democratic transition require continuous monitoring and analysis allowing the Mission to make strategic adjustments to implementation.

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Project Support Myanmar Project Support Myanmar

Scope Global - In-country Logistics Support Services (Australia Awards Scholarships Intake 2020) - 2019

Project Description:

The project is about the management of assessing and ranking scholarship applications for Australia Awards Myanmar. In the project, Mekong Economics will provide logistics support. The In-Country Logistics Support will support the Intake 2020 interview and selection process for Australia Awards Myanmar. Up to 30 days of input will be required from June-September 2019.  This support will be provided in-country (Myanmar) and will be responsible for liaising with Scope Global remotely to deliver the following services:

  • Arrange and schedule interviews (in Yangon, NPT and other locations),

  • Liaise with the English language testing provider to arrange testing prior to interview, and

  • Respond to questions from the applicants

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Market Studies Myanmar Market Studies Myanmar

Scope Global - In-country Costing Services - 2019

Project Description:

MKE assisted Scope Global to provide unit costings of the items below, accompanied by evidence/ records of sources for quotes and verifications of costs provided:

Support costs:

  • Monthly cost for expat long-term accommodation (monthly rental) in a suitable area

  • Nightly cost for hotel accommodation in Yangon and Naypyidaw

  • Estimated perdiem

  • Local transport/taxi costs in Yangon

Office costs:

  • Outfitting/ upgrade of office

  • Monthly rental for an office in a suitable area

  • Office running costs

  • Vehicle hire

Personnel costs:

  • Gross salary for a range of national personnel

  • Indicative monthly/annual salary for different project positions

  • Cost of health and medical insurance for national personnel

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E.Gen Consultants Ltd. (funded by ADB) - Equipping Youth for Employment Project - 2019

Project Description:

The project aims to provide an array of technical inputs to support the government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar—particularly the Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ministry of Industry (MOI), in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population (MOLIP) and other agencies—to implement the Equipping Youth for Employment Project (EYE), which is financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

EYE aims to strengthen Myanmar's education and skills base, supporting Myanmar's transition toward a modern, market-based economy, and promoting inclusive growth and job creation.

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M&E, Training, Project Management Myanmar M&E, Training, Project Management Myanmar

Mott MacDonald & UNICEF - Provision of technical expertise to the UNICEF education sector: early learning, gender education, inclusive quality - 2019

Project Description:

Mott MacDonald signed an Education Framework Contract with the UNICEF for 2 years, under which each UNICEF regional and country office can send Mott MacDonald requests for Technical Assistance (TA) work. Mekong Economics, as a part of the Consortium led by Mott MacDonald would provide support in responding to the requests as they arise and implementing the assignments.

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Lux Development - Project Y1 Data Collection - Eastern Shan Rural Development and Inclusion Project - 2019

Project Description:

The project aimed to improve the life of a minimum of 15,000 to a maximum of 25,000 disadvantaged people in East Shan State (ESS). MKE carried out a baseline survey before the formal starting of the project to inform and complete the set of 14 Indicator Identity Sheets (IIS) - subject to the present baseline survey

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Landell Mills/ Funded by ADB - TA 9634-REG: Strengthening Integrated Flood Risk Management - 2019

Project Description:

The project aimed to strengthen the design and implementation of Integrated Flood Risk Management (IFRM) solutions, enhancing knowledge and application of IFRM strategies in DMCs of ADB. The assignment aimed to provide targeted technical support for program and project preparation and promote more holistic IFRM solutions, including basin-wide and NBSs that would deliver greater sustainability and long-term effectiveness, thereby strengthening flood resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change, land-use change, and other human interventions.

MKE mobilised and provided backstopping support to the inputs of the National Integrated Flood Risk Management Specialist position.

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DFID & IMC - Framework Agreement for Expert Advisory Call Down Service (EACDS) - 2019

Project Description:

MKE was a member of IMC’s consortium, which was awarded this framework contract to provide additional technical expertise to DFID departments and overseas offices and Other Government Departments in the development of International Development. This includes but is not limited to: programme design and development, business case development, independent advice/inputs into new and innovative thinking and products and rapid provision of technical advisers to fill gaps on specific assignments where there is a time-sensitive need.

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Plan International - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Needs Assessment and Gender Analysis in Nyaung U, Mandalay Region - 2019

Project Description:

SRHR was one of Plan International’s programs to support  adolescents and young people in accessing relevant information and services to support the realization of their SRH rights and to take control over the lives free from gender-based violence, with aiming of achieving “My Body. My Future” project’s goal. MKE conducted a needs assessment on SRHR  with a gender inclusion analysis to inform the client on the final  design of the program to have a strategic and impactful intervention on target beneficiaries.

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Plan International Myanmar - Dual-Client (Labor Market & Youth) Assessment for Kachin and Rakhine - 2019

Project Description:

MKE conducted a desk rearch of dual‐client assessment to understand labor market opportunities for, as well as interests of, adolescents and young people and which skills development and livelihood interventions were most appropriate for enabling sustainable income generation opportunities for them in target areas.

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