Services & Sectors
- Baseline Studies 40
- Capacity Building 12
- Commercial Services 1
- Consumer Survey 3
- Economic Research 58
- Education Safeguards 14
- Enterprise Survey 28
- Gender Analysis 9
- Health 6
- Household Survey 32
- Human Resources 1
- Impact Measurement 67
- M&E 71
- Market Studies 55
- Policy Research 43
- Project Management 48
- Project Support 2
- Social/Environmental Safeguards 68
- Strategy Development 45
- Training 20
- Value Chain Analysis 10
PwC - Mid-term Evaluating framework of LAO receiving financial support from the Governments of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg - 2013
Project Description:
The Mid-term Evaluation was undertaken to analyse the project achievements, project management and monitoring, using specific criteria such as relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability, as well as cross-cutting aspects such as governance for development, gender equality and environment and climate change. MKE provided a local consultant to support the team during the project mission and the development of requested report.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Short – Term Consultant for The Round Table Process (RTP) - 2011
Project Description:
The Round Table Process (RTP) was the national mechanism to promote constructive dialogue and cooperation between the Government and development partners for the achievement of national development goals including the MDGs and LDC graduation. To assist donors and Lao Government for the Annual Round Table Implementation Meeting in November 2011, MKE had:
Provided an update and overview of Lao PDR’s key macro-economic and social development indicators, as well as challenges and outlook.
Provided a brief overview and description of the 7th NSEDP 2011-215 recently formulated under the leadership of MPI, as well as examined updates in the development of social development factors in the context of the MDGs and progress towards targets set for 2015
Took a look at the financing side for achieving the MDGs
Provided an analysis of the enabling environment, including an update on the business environment, and a review and analysis of the target of LDC graduation for Lao PDR by 2020.
DANIDA (Copenhagen) - Thematic Study: Case studies in Laos and Vietnam - 2009
Project Description:
Conducted case studies on Laos and Vietnam which involved detailed investigations on donor aid allocation and disbursement in order to determine the sourcing of goods and services and the externalities on the local and regional markets, including trade effects as well as cost-effectiveness.
Ministry of Education & World Bank - Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes - 2008
Project Description:
Worked jointly with the National Research Institute for Educational Sciences (RIES) of Lao PDR to design tests which measure student achievement, and provided data to measure progress since the First Round assessment, data entry and analysis, and report writing.
GTZ - Research on the Impact of Large Foreign Investment Projects in Lao PDR on SMEs - 2006
Project Description:
Two cases studies (mining and beer) on the negative and positive socio-economic impacts of large-scale and foreign investment on national & local economies
GTZ - Research into the Contribution of SMEs to Major Economic Parameters in Lao PDR - 2006
Project Description:
Assessment of contribution of SMEs in the Lao PDR to GDP, FOREX earnings and employment levels by location and industry.