Services & Sectors
- Baseline Studies 40
- Capacity Building 12
- Commercial Services 1
- Consumer Survey 3
- Economic Research 58
- Education Safeguards 14
- Enterprise Survey 28
- Gender Analysis 9
- Health 6
- Household Survey 32
- Human Resources 1
- Impact Measurement 67
- M&E 71
- Market Studies 55
- Policy Research 43
- Project Management 48
- Project Support 2
- Social/Environmental Safeguards 68
- Strategy Development 45
- Training 20
- Value Chain Analysis 10
WorldFish of Myanmar - Improving the production, nutrition and market values of small – scale aquaculture in Myanmar’s Shan State and Sagaing Region (MYSAP INLAND) - 2018
Project Description:
WorldFish Myanmar in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries (DoF) R&D Division, under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MoALI) will implement the ‘Improving the production, nutrition and market values of small-scale aquaculture in Myanmar’s Shan State and Sagaing Region (MYSAP Inland). The main objective of the baseline survey is using a value chain approach to collect baseline data for use by MYSAP Inland for results based monitoring and evaluation to assess MYSAP Inland progress towards specific milestones, output indicators and overall project impact.
The following tasks are accomplished by MKE Team: Execution plan for; Baseline survey questionnaire in both English and Burmese; Value chain analysis report; A full database of data collected; A draft summary of the overall study findings and A final baseline study report.
LIFT - Interim Review of LIFT 2015-2018 Strategy - 2017
Project Description:
LIFT is a multi-donor fund designed to address the food insecurity and income poverty of poor and vulnerable people in Myanmar. In light of Myanmar’s political, social and economic transformation, LIFT developed a new strategy in 2014 supporting the transformation of Myanmar’s rural economy by promoting inclusive growth and providing new knowledge, technologies and access to finance and markets with more opportunities for agribusiness with the private sector.
MKE’s role was to review LIFT’s strategy in order to improve LIFT’s performance and governance, and to inform future possible funding mechanisms beyond 2018. This required reviewing key documents relating to LIFT’s strategy including specific project documents, such as project proposals, MEAL plans, and project reports, were made available for the review team. MKE also conducted meetings with key Fund Board members, FMO staff, and other stakeholders. The team visited all four agro-ecological target areas to review project progress. Finally MKE produced a final report highlighting key findings with regards to the performance of LIFT, and providing recommendations for future funding strategies.
Carbon Trust - Scoping study for a low carbon energy security programme in Southeast Asia - 2016
Project Description:
This Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) funded project aimed at promoting low carbon economies by working with governments and organisations in the UK and internationally to reduce carbon emissions. It also aimed to promote the efficient and cost effective management of energy, water and resources, and enable the development of commercial low carbon technologies.
MKE carried out research activities and worked closely with stakeholders to collect and input data as identified in the Excel template sheet provided by the Carbon Trust. MKE carried out initial qualitative research covered by the main policies relevant to renewable energy, energy efficiency, and liquefied natural gas. MKE also conducted a stakeholder mapping exercise according to an influence-interest matrix. MKE’s team facilitated discussions with local stakeholders, including government representatives, parliamentarians and multilateral and bilateral donors and NGOs.
Private Client - Data Points Collection in Yangon - 2013
Project Description:
The client wanted to collect 53 data points (aka economic indicators) across Yangon. Data points included, the price of a litter of petrol, the number of new buildings being built, price of real estate, etc. The data would give the client a general overview of the cost of consumer goods in Yangon as well as a better understanding of the overall economic landscape. The client was considering turning this into a weekly-updated report so they can analyse trends over time.
World University Service of Canada (WUSC) - Needs Assessment for the Skills Training Project for the Private Labour Market - 2012
Project Description:
The Needs Assessment was undertaken to assist WUSC and eight local universities/colleges to identify the required skills that students should be equipped with before entering the labor markets, which ultimately helped to improve the current curriculum to meet the local market’s needs. Specifically, MKE worked with the eight institutions to gather updated information about the labor market’s demands, developed a standard questionnaire, conducted training for the institutions on survey implementation and data entry, as well as specified key trends and made relevant recommendations from the findings.
The Embassy of Denmark (Danida) - Base-line Survey for Impact Assessment of GCF Supported Innovations In Cocoa and Rice Export Value Chains - 2012
Project Description:
The Global Competitiveness Facility (GCF), one component of the Business Sector Program Phasing-Out Support, was implemented with an aim to increase the competitiveness of non-public Vietnamese businesses in export-oriented sectors through better access to relevant business services and exposure to innovative business models. MKE conducted a baseline survey of more than 400 rice and cocoa-related farmers and micro – small – medium enterprises to assess the impacts of the GCF supported innovations/ interventions on the cocoa and rice export value chains, and make relevant recommendations on the effectiveness of existing and future value chain projects.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Short – Term Consultant for The Round Table Process (RTP) - 2011
Project Description:
The Round Table Process (RTP) was the national mechanism to promote constructive dialogue and cooperation between the Government and development partners for the achievement of national development goals including the MDGs and LDC graduation. To assist donors and Lao Government for the Annual Round Table Implementation Meeting in November 2011, MKE had:
Provided an update and overview of Lao PDR’s key macro-economic and social development indicators, as well as challenges and outlook.
Provided a brief overview and description of the 7th NSEDP 2011-215 recently formulated under the leadership of MPI, as well as examined updates in the development of social development factors in the context of the MDGs and progress towards targets set for 2015
Took a look at the financing side for achieving the MDGs
Provided an analysis of the enabling environment, including an update on the business environment, and a review and analysis of the target of LDC graduation for Lao PDR by 2020.
The World Bank - Urbanization Review: Financing Basic Services and Infrastructure - 2010
Project Description:
The Vietnam Urbanization Review was part of a series of prototypes under a global product called the Urbanization Review, being developed by the Finance, Economics, and Urban Development Department of the World Bank. The objective was to provide diagnostic tools to inform policy dialogues and investment priorities on urbanization by operationalizing the frameworks for urbanization policies developed in World Development Report (2009) – Reshaping Economic Geography and the Bank‘s new Urban and Local Government Strategy System of Cities: Harnessing Urbanization for Growth and Poverty Reduction.
To test the relevance and flexibility of the core diagnostic tools across countries at incipient, intermediate, and advanced stages of urbanization, prototype pilots were being initiated in India (incipient), Indonesia, China, and Vietnam (intermediate), and Colombia (advanced). MKE prepared report on the provision of local services and identify the main bottlenecks to achieving universal coverage of high quality services. The focus was on water, sanitation, electricity and road. MKE also developed data tables that covered all relevant variables.
DANIDA & funded Global Competitiveness Fund - Survey on Advocacy demand, Business Associations and Business Development Services in the Crafts Sector in Ha Tay - 2007
Project Description:
Analysis of the craft value chain from production to sale on export market, via interviews and workshops with selected crafts producers, business associations, producer groups and relevant business service providers in Ha Tay. Market hindrances were identified, as well as the main areas in need of information services, advocacy and interest representation.
AusAid ASEAN/ Australia Development Cooperation Program - Enhancing ASEAN Minerals Trade and Investment - 2005
Project Partner:
Project Description:
MKE analysed the public and private sectors in Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia; compiled country reports on investment and trade in minerals in the five countries; reviewed institutional and regulatory arrangements affecting investment in ASEAN; identified potential sources of investment; assessed the potential for regional cooperation in minerals policy development; and explored policy implications of the research.