The World Bank - Urbanization Review: Financing Basic Services and Infrastructure - 2010

Project Description:

The Vietnam Urbanization Review was part of a series of prototypes under a global product called the Urbanization Review, being developed by the Finance, Economics, and Urban Development Department of the World Bank. The objective was to provide diagnostic tools to inform policy dialogues and investment priorities on urbanization by operationalizing the frameworks for urbanization policies developed in World Development Report (2009) – Reshaping Economic Geography and the Bank‘s new Urban and Local Government Strategy System of Cities: Harnessing Urbanization for Growth and Poverty Reduction.

To test the relevance and flexibility of the core diagnostic tools across countries at incipient, intermediate, and advanced stages of urbanization, prototype pilots were being initiated in India (incipient), Indonesia, China, and Vietnam (intermediate), and Colombia (advanced). MKE prepared report on the provision of local services and identify the main bottlenecks to achieving universal coverage of high quality services. The focus was on water, sanitation, electricity and road. MKE also developed data tables that covered all relevant variables.




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