Services & Sectors
- Baseline Studies 40
- Capacity Building 12
- Commercial Services 1
- Consumer Survey 3
- Economic Research 58
- Education Safeguards 14
- Enterprise Survey 28
- Gender Analysis 9
- Health 6
- Household Survey 32
- Human Resources 1
- Impact Measurement 67
- M&E 71
- Market Studies 55
- Policy Research 43
- Project Management 48
- Project Support 2
- Social/Environmental Safeguards 68
- Strategy Development 45
- Training 20
- Value Chain Analysis 10
Lux Development - Project Y1 Data Collection - Eastern Shan Rural Development and Inclusion Project - 2019
Project Description:
The project aimed to improve the life of a minimum of 15,000 to a maximum of 25,000 disadvantaged people in East Shan State (ESS). MKE carried out a baseline survey before the formal starting of the project to inform and complete the set of 14 Indicator Identity Sheets (IIS) - subject to the present baseline survey
IFAD - Data collection and impact assessments services (Long-term Agreement) - 2019
Countries Involved:
Vietnam, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and 15 other countries.
Project Description:
IFAD awarded MKE a three-year framework contract to develop and administer surveys to collect data needed for impact assessments. The scope of the services include the performance of baselines and/or follow up surveys (at the appropriate level of analysis, namely, the individual, household and community level), that evaluate the impact of a specific project in a specific location, measured through identified outcomes of success, which will be specific to the project’s theory of change, and will have to meet IFAD corporate requirements.
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Timor-Leste)/ World Bank - Baseline Survey for the Sustainable Agriculture Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP) - 2019
Project Description:
The Project Development Objective (PDO) of SAPIP is to increase the productivity and marketed production of smallholder agriculture in selected geographical locations in Timor-Leste. Mekong Economics developed and conducted a baseline study (using appropriate methodologies and tools) in order to establish credible baseline for a selected set of indicators included in SAPIP’s results framework. This would be instrumental to allow an assessment of SAPIP’s progresses and final results and outcomes.
IFAD - Data collection and impact assessments services (Long-term Agreement) - 2019
Countries involved: Vietnam, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and 15 other countries
Project Description Abstract:
IFAD awarded MKE a three-year framework contract to develop and administer surveys to collect data needed for impact assessments. The scope of the services include the performance of baselines and/or follow up surveys (at the appropriate level of analysis, namely, the individual, household and community level), that evaluate the impact of a specific project in a specific location, measured through identified outcomes of success, which will be specific to the project’s theory of change, and will have to meet IFAD corporate requirements.
WorldFish of Myanmar - Improving the production, nutrition and market values of small – scale aquaculture in Myanmar’s Shan State and Sagaing Region (MYSAP INLAND) - 2018
Project Description:
WorldFish Myanmar in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries (DoF) R&D Division, under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MoALI) will implement the ‘Improving the production, nutrition and market values of small-scale aquaculture in Myanmar’s Shan State and Sagaing Region (MYSAP Inland). The main objective of the baseline survey is using a value chain approach to collect baseline data for use by MYSAP Inland for results based monitoring and evaluation to assess MYSAP Inland progress towards specific milestones, output indicators and overall project impact.
The following tasks are accomplished by MKE Team: Execution plan for; Baseline survey questionnaire in both English and Burmese; Value chain analysis report; A full database of data collected; A draft summary of the overall study findings and A final baseline study report.
Dan Church Aid (DCA) - Consultancy Service for Baseline Study for Save Lives and Build Resilience - 2017
Project Description:
MKE was commissioned to collect baseline information and establish benchmarks for the proposed outcomes in the Country Plan of DCA for Myanmar. The baseline assessment employed a mix of both quantitative and qualitative approaches of data collection. Country programme log-frame was reference point as linked to outcomes under programme. The consultancy covered the components of WASH; hygiene, sanitation and access to safe water and other cross cutting issues like gender, and accountability.
LuxDev - Baseline Survey for Eastern Shan State Rural Development and Inclusion Project - 2017
Project Description:
The MYA/002 project aimed to promote inclusive, cohesive and sustained groups, communities, institutions and systems for the benefits of the rural population of a minimum of 15 000 to a maximum of 25 000 disadvantaged people in East Shan State (ESS). MKE was commissioned and completed a baseline survey before the formal starting of the project which was planned around 1 July 2017 and to inform and complete the set of 14 Indicator Identity Sheets (IIS) - subject to the present baseline survey.
Care - Facilitation to enhance women’s participation, increased access to information and market in the Rubber Sector - 2016
Project Description:
The project aimed to conduct a series of pilot intervention activities, with the ultimate aim of determining the best method to support women and men small-holder farmers (SHFs) to increase their rubber productivity, quality and gain secured access to land and ultimately to increase their income through improved market actions.
MKE designed and conducted a feasibility study to determine app/phone usage in the area, interviewing target beneficiaries and conducting key informant interviews (KIIs) with rubber sector engaged organizations; interpreting the results and ensuring suitable iterative planning and implementation of the pilot training activities. MKE team discuss where shortcomings in the SHF exist and what broad types of trainings or apps would be most suitable and train activities to rubber farmers and to demonstrate certain tools are used or certain techniques.
MKE conducted all monitoring and evaluating of the use and uptake of apps and those of trainings; produced a final report analysing the results (achieved through “outcome harvesting”) from the pilot interventions, and provided recommendations and considerations towards upscaling such interventions on a region-wide level.
CDN - Baseline Study: Improving the incomes and nutrition outcomes of rural poor in Northern Kayin State - 2016
Project Description:
This project was focused on Thandaunggyi Township, the northernmost township in Kayin State. It covered three sub-townships (Leiktho, Thandaunggyi and Bawgali). The baseline study focused on baseline data collected for a set of indicators outlined in the project’s M&E plan. The baseline study report was used as a measurement to monitor the project progress against the set indicators and achievement over the course of the project implementation.
MKE led the overall design of approach and survey questions for the baseline study and trained enumerators in conducting a baseline survey. MKE cleaned and analyzed the collected data and information obtained from the baseline survey. Finally, MKE delivered a final baseline survey report with statistical testing of the Theory of Change causal pathways and a set of 36 recommendations.
BTC - Baseline Survey and Socio Economic Study for the Project “Integrated water management & urban development for climate change in Ninh Thuan province” - 2016
Project Description:
To collect Baseline data and to conduct the Socio-Economic Survey in 11 communes/wards of 05 districts and cities around Dinh River. It provided quantitative and qualitative information on socio-economic status of households within the projected region; information on knowledge, skill, attitude and concern of residents towards climate change, environment and how to respond with natural disaster.
The survey also assessed capability of the local authorities in managing water resources, forecasting and responding to floods and storms and conducting urban planning in connection with climate change and identifies their demands in order to improve their capability for the project’s priorities.