Services & Sectors
- Baseline Studies 40
- Capacity Building 12
- Commercial Services 1
- Consumer Survey 3
- Economic Research 58
- Education Safeguards 14
- Enterprise Survey 28
- Gender Analysis 9
- Health 6
- Household Survey 32
- Human Resources 1
- Impact Measurement 67
- M&E 71
- Market Studies 55
- Policy Research 43
- Project Management 48
- Project Support 2
- Social/Environmental Safeguards 68
- Strategy Development 45
- Training 20
- Value Chain Analysis 10
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Timor-Leste)/ World Bank - Baseline Survey for the Sustainable Agriculture Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP) - 2019
Project Description:
The Project Development Objective (PDO) of SAPIP is to increase the productivity and marketed production of smallholder agriculture in selected geographical locations in Timor-Leste. Mekong Economics developed and conducted a baseline study (using appropriate methodologies and tools) in order to establish credible baseline for a selected set of indicators included in SAPIP’s results framework. This would be instrumental to allow an assessment of SAPIP’s progresses and final results and outcomes.
UNOPS - Impact Assessment for Project Access Improvement to Markets - 2009
Project Description:
Conducted the socio–economic impact evaluation of the construction of 5 bridges under the programme for access Improvement to Markets in the Eastern Region of East Timor Leste (AIM). The evaluation included the assessment of the socio-cultural perception of the program by the local population for its sustainability, the technical appropriateness to local needs and capacities, and assessment of behavioural changes to strengthen the social partner and social dialogue and to the reduction of poverty.
World Bank (in East Timor) - Household Survey in East Timor (TLSLS 2007 Extension) - 2008
Project Description:
Timor Leste Living Standards Survey, focused on vulnerability to shocks, access to financial services, land management techniques, and perceptions and use of community dispute mechanisms.
UNOPS (in East Timor) - East Timor Baseline Study - Poverty Profiling & Monitoring for AMCAP and OCAP Projects - 2006
Project Description:
Baseline survey for the Ainaro & Manatuto Community Activation Project and the Oecussi Community Activation Project with poverty profiling and mapping. Established a MDG database, monitoring system and training for AMCAP and OCAP staff plus capacity building for National Statistical Department staff.