M&E, Project Management Multi-Country M&E, Project Management Multi-Country

DFID & IMC - Independent Monitoring and Process Evaluation Regional Framework Agreement (IMPERFA) - 2019

Countries Involved:

South Asia region.

Project Description:

To maintain oversight and support lesson learning across programme implementation, DFID awarded a framework contract to IMC and its consortium to procure high quality and internationally recognised knowledge and skills to design and/or undertake process evaluations and independent monitoring work across the organisation’s policy areas and programmes in a range of geographical locations. MKE was a member of IMC’s consortium.

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IFAD - Data collection and impact assessments services (Long-term Agreement) - 2019

Countries Involved:

Vietnam, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and 15 other countries.

Project Description:

IFAD awarded MKE a three-year framework contract to develop and administer surveys to collect data needed for impact assessments. The scope of the services include the performance of baselines and/or follow up surveys (at the appropriate level of analysis, namely, the individual, household and community level), that evaluate the impact of a specific project in a specific location, measured through identified outcomes of success, which will be specific to the project’s theory of change, and will have to meet IFAD corporate requirements.

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PwC Singapore/ Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) - The Technical Assistance Programme on Economic Reform in South East Asia - 2019

Countries Involved:

Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines

Project Description:

The Technical Assistance Programme on Economic Reform in South East Asia (“the Programme”) addresses current market failures and weaknesses that impede South East (SE) Asia’s inclusive economic growth, unlocking increased prosperity for SE Asia and for international business and the UK. The key outcomes supported by the Technical Assistance Programme on Economic Reform in South East Asia are (ER1) Strengthening the business environment, (ER2) Advancing business & government transparency and integrity, and (ER3) Broadening and deepening financial markets.

Overall, Mekong Economics was responsible for the design and delivery of the following cross-cutting analyses in the inception phase: Social Impact Analysis, Private Sector Development Analysis, Economic Analysis, Political Economy and Governance Analysis

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IFAD - Data collection and impact assessments services (Long-term Agreement) - 2019

Countries involved: Vietnam, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and 15 other countries

Project Description Abstract:

IFAD awarded MKE a three-year framework contract to develop and administer surveys to collect data needed for impact assessments. The scope of the services include the performance of baselines and/or follow up surveys (at the appropriate level of analysis, namely, the individual, household and community level), that evaluate the impact of a specific project in a specific location, measured through identified outcomes of success, which will be specific to the project’s theory of change, and will have to meet IFAD corporate requirements.

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Market Studies, M&E, Economic Research Multi-Country Market Studies, M&E, Economic Research Multi-Country

Yunnan Gateway Culture Communication Co.Ltd - Asphalt Shingles Roof in three countries: Thailand, Singapore, and Philippines - 2018

Countries Involved:

Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippines.

Project Description:

The project aimed to collect market data of asphalt shingles roofs in each of the three countries, such as production and consumption capacity, import and export, supply and demand base analysis, top 5 manufacturers, and other macro environmental factors affecting asphalt shingles roofs.

MKE team conducted literature review, interviews with relevant stakeholders, market research and prepared reports for each country.

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BSI & ADB - Consultancy services for Enhancing Capacity of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Arrangements to Facilitate Trade in the Greater Mekong Subregion – 2017

Countries Involved:

Vietnam, China.

Project Description:

The project built on the SPS projects for CLV and extended SPS analysis and consultations to the GMS. It also added value by bringing in the other countries to pursue GMS level analysis, discussions and consensus of SPS issues. In addition, the Technical Assistant prioritised the analysis on cooperation between customs and SPS agencies to strengthen the linkage between them, particularly in the areas of risk profiling, risk management and information sharing, through enhanced data sharing, and the establishment of a coherent and integrated approach to risk management.

This analysis eventually contributed the groundwork towards establishment of national single window systems and realization of the ASEAN single window, as well as the Asian Cargo Highway. Two National Consultants from MKE worked with BSI on this assignment.

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OECD - Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance. Perspectives on How Improving Corporate Governance Frameworks Can Support Capital Market Development - 2017

Countries Involved:

Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar.

Project Description:

Established in 1999, the OECD-Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance serves as a regional forum for exchanging experiences and advancing the reform agenda on corporate governance while promoting awareness and use of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.

In this assignment, MKE conducted in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders, produced and presented a Report on Sharing Perspectives on How Improving Corporate Governance Frameworks Can Support Capital Market Development in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar.

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Cardno (funded by EU) - Market Studies for EU Gateway | Business Avenues Programme - 2016

Countries Involved:

Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand.

Project Description:

The purposes of the market studies were to provide selected EU companies for participation in the “EU Gateway | Business Avenues Programme” an introductory understanding of the selected market and help them in defining their strategy towards this market. Sectors studied included: Environment & Water Technologies, Green Energy Technologies, Construction & Building Technologies, Healthcare & Medical Technologies, Information & Communication Technologies, Contemporary European Design, and Food & Beverages.

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Market Studies, Enterprise Survey Multi-Country Market Studies, Enterprise Survey Multi-Country

OECD - Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance - 2016

Countries Involved:

Myanmar and Laos.

Project Description:

Established in 1999, the OECD-Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance serves as a regional forum for exchanging experiences and advancing the reform agenda on corporate governance while promoting awareness and use of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. It brings together policy makers, practitioners and experts on corporate governance from the Asian region, OECD countries and relevant international organisations.

MKE conducted a stock –taking of Myanmar’s public companies and presented the findings and also shared regional perspectives on capital market development at the OECD Corporate Governance workshop in Laos one the 1st and the 2nd of June 2016.

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International Labour Organization (ILO) - The next generation of people, firms and work in ASEAN: Preparing enterprises for the future of labour markets (in 2025) - 2015

Countries Involved:

ASEAN Member States.

Project Description:

Mekong Economics provided a Team to conduct a survey with businesses operating in the 10 ASEAN member States, in which 900 interviews with firms in Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia and on-line survey with 3,000 firms from Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.

The survey aimed at understanding the future of work in ASEAN as well as looking at how prepared companies are to absorb the future workforce. Key respondents to the enterprise-level survey would include human resources managers as well as those involved in strategic planning and decision-making

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