Kimetrica LLC (funded by USAID) - Myanmar Analytical Activity (MAA) - 2019

Project Description:

USAID/Burma (Myanmar) requires analytical support to supplement its current portfolio of Democracy and Governance, national reconciliation, economic growth and health activities. This analytical support is aligned with the Democracy and Governance Project Appraisal Document and will primarily focus on the drivers of conflict impacting the implementation of development programs by USAID/ Burma. The activity will enable the Mission to better address emerging issues, take advantage of opportunities, and react to unexpected political and economic events and social conditions.

USAID/Burma anticipates the most significant need for support in addressing conflict dynamics in Kachin, Shan, and Rakhine States, southeastern Myanmar, and the influence of national political and economic actors and institutions based in Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw. The multitude of layers impacting Myanmar’s development and democratic transition require continuous monitoring and analysis allowing the Mission to make strategic adjustments to implementation.

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ICRW (International Center for Research on Women) - Survey on Garment Factory - 2019

Project Description:

The purpose of the assignment was to document and analyse how gender equity could be supported in supplier factory settings, with special attention to policies and practices sexual harassment. Mekong Economics worked with the factory to recruit a representative sample of staff members to participate in the interviews and surveys, conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with members of staff of varying levels, conducted semi-structured focus group discussions with various levels of staff, collected survey data from a sample of staff members;

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Plan International - Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Needs Assessment and Gender Analysis in Nyaung U, Mandalay Region - 2019

Project Description:

SRHR was one of Plan International’s programs to support  adolescents and young people in accessing relevant information and services to support the realization of their SRH rights and to take control over the lives free from gender-based violence, with aiming of achieving “My Body. My Future” project’s goal. MKE conducted a needs assessment on SRHR  with a gender inclusion analysis to inform the client on the final  design of the program to have a strategic and impactful intervention on target beneficiaries.

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Plan International Myanmar - GFFO Project Final Evaluation - 2017

Project Description:

From May 2016 to October 2017, Plan implemented the project Expansion and maintenance of lifesaving support services to 31 IDP Camps in Kachin State (in this review, this project is referred to as “GFFO IV”). The project targeted 17,543 direct and indirect beneficiaries in 31 IDP camps in Kachin, 25 of which are in GCAs and six are in NGCAs. The project sought to increase the resilience of IDP populations through a distinct focus on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), nutrition, child protection (CP) and disaster risk reduction (DRR).

The purpose of this final project evaluation was to analyze the effectiveness to aid relevant stakeholders to the project with an assessment as to whether the project’s results were met and to attain an understanding of community perceptions.

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ADB/Conseil Sante - Consultancy services for TA-8842 REG: Greater Mekong Sub-region Health Security Project – PPTA Consultants - 2015

Countries Involved:

Vietnam, Lao PDR and Myanmar.

Project Description:

This ADB project complemented existing projects, focusing on communicable diseases control (CDC), HIV/AIDS and malaria in one single intervention aimed at strengthening health security in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam by providing district and provincial health services capacity for diagnostic, response and treatment. The project focused on remote and underserved areas, with high poverty incidence, and on migrant and mobile populations (MMPs).

MKE Team developed country implementation plan/work program in coordination with the Team Leader; assessed the institutional capacity of the executing and implementing agencies, prepared project implementation arrangements, and prepared institutional and capacity strengthening programs; conducted field visits to investigate services situation and assess local needs; and prepared reports on activities and outputs as required.

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