Services & Sectors
- Baseline Studies 40
- Capacity Building 12
- Commercial Services 1
- Consumer Survey 3
- Economic Research 58
- Education Safeguards 14
- Enterprise Survey 28
- Gender Analysis 9
- Health 6
- Household Survey 32
- Human Resources 1
- Impact Measurement 67
- M&E 71
- Market Studies 55
- Policy Research 43
- Project Management 48
- Project Support 2
- Social/Environmental Safeguards 68
- Strategy Development 45
- Training 20
- Value Chain Analysis 10
E.Gen Consultants Ltd. (funded by ADB) - Equipping Youth for Employment Project - 2019
Project Description:
The project aims to provide an array of technical inputs to support the government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar—particularly the Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ministry of Industry (MOI), in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population (MOLIP) and other agencies—to implement the Equipping Youth for Employment Project (EYE), which is financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
EYE aims to strengthen Myanmar's education and skills base, supporting Myanmar's transition toward a modern, market-based economy, and promoting inclusive growth and job creation.
Mott MacDonald & UNICEF - Provision of technical expertise to the UNICEF education sector: early learning, gender education, inclusive quality - 2019
Project Description:
Mott MacDonald signed an Education Framework Contract with the UNICEF for 2 years, under which each UNICEF regional and country office can send Mott MacDonald requests for Technical Assistance (TA) work. Mekong Economics, as a part of the Consortium led by Mott MacDonald would provide support in responding to the requests as they arise and implementing the assignments.
DFID & IMC - Independent Monitoring and Process Evaluation Regional Framework Agreement (IMPERFA) - 2019
Countries Involved:
South Asia region.
Project Description:
To maintain oversight and support lesson learning across programme implementation, DFID awarded a framework contract to IMC and its consortium to procure high quality and internationally recognised knowledge and skills to design and/or undertake process evaluations and independent monitoring work across the organisation’s policy areas and programmes in a range of geographical locations. MKE was a member of IMC’s consortium.
DFID & IMC - Framework Agreement for Expert Advisory Call Down Service (EACDS) - 2019
Project Description:
MKE was a member of IMC’s consortium, which was awarded this framework contract to provide additional technical expertise to DFID departments and overseas offices and Other Government Departments in the development of International Development. This includes but is not limited to: programme design and development, business case development, independent advice/inputs into new and innovative thinking and products and rapid provision of technical advisers to fill gaps on specific assignments where there is a time-sensitive need.
PEM Consult - Evaluation of European Union’s Cooperation with Myanmar - 2019
Project Description:
The evaluation of the European Union’s co-operation with Myanmar was part of the Work Programme 2017-2021 for Strategic Evaluation.. MKE assisted the clients to arrange mission programme and set up meetings, arrange programme and logistics for field visits and visit to Nay Pyi Daw, liaise with EU Delegation and stakeholders, participate in field visit/meetings in Nay Pyi Daw and Yangon.
Dalberg Consulting CC/ the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Denmark) - P4G – Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals (2030) - 2019
Project Description:
Within the context of managing and implementing P4G , Mekong Economics assisted Dalberg to organise meetings with various partners in Vietnam, reach out to Mekong Economics Ltd’ own networks to see if there were any partnerships that could be included in the call, helped partnerships with their 1-2 page concept notes, including editing the document and refining the partnership concept, facilitate the short-listing process between VCCI/MPI/Danish Embassy – arranging the meeting and providing content input on which partnerships are high potential in Vietnam (by February 15, 2019).
Mekong Economics also helped 5 short-listed partnerships with their full applications – supporting the partnerships refine the partnership concept, and with some editing/writing (by February 15, 2019), prepare a one-page word document on how P4G should engage with Vietnam in the coming years, reflecting on the learnings from this engagement (by February 21, 2019)
PwC Singapore/ Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) - The Technical Assistance Programme on Economic Reform in South East Asia - 2019
Countries Involved:
Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines
Project Description:
The Technical Assistance Programme on Economic Reform in South East Asia (“the Programme”) addresses current market failures and weaknesses that impede South East (SE) Asia’s inclusive economic growth, unlocking increased prosperity for SE Asia and for international business and the UK. The key outcomes supported by the Technical Assistance Programme on Economic Reform in South East Asia are (ER1) Strengthening the business environment, (ER2) Advancing business & government transparency and integrity, and (ER3) Broadening and deepening financial markets.
Overall, Mekong Economics was responsible for the design and delivery of the following cross-cutting analyses in the inception phase: Social Impact Analysis, Private Sector Development Analysis, Economic Analysis, Political Economy and Governance Analysis
Belgian Development Agency - International consultant on human resources development and capacity building strategies - 2019
Description of Project:
Facility to Capacity Building (FCB) project is a part of the Vietnam – Belgium 2011-2015 Indicative Cooperation Program that aims to “Contribute to the socio-economic development of Vietnam through institutional capacity development to support the implementation of the SEDP 2011-2015”. The General objective of FCB is “To contribute to the sustainable development and growth of Vietnam by facilitating Vietnam to become a knowledge-based industrialized country by 2020”. The project aims to assist 2 institutions in Vietnam (11 universities, and 10 provincial Departments of Home Affairs and Education) in human resource developments of their managers, lecturers and technical staff.
MKE provided the international consultant to implement the following tasks:
Develop overall implementation strategy and approaches for FCB, following the strategic approach
Assist the PMU in implementation of designed activity;
Develop the result chains and result measurement plan for each result area of the project;
Quality controller for the activities carried out and ensure these activities contribute to the project expected outcomes;
Evaluate possible impact of the interventions, advise BTC and the PMU of any needed adjustment in the implementation strategy and approach to ensure achievement of project objectives;
Responsible for coordination with other consultants, supervise the redaction of team products (if applicable) and assure that all relevant stakeholder are involved.
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MOALI) - Project Management Unit (PMU) Consultant: Irrigated Agriculture Inclusive Development Project (IAIDP) - 2018
Project Description:
The Irrigated Agriculture Inclusive Development Project (IAIDP), a sector project, will increase agricultural value added by improving irrigation and strengthening agricultural value chains in three regions of Myanmar's central dry zone (CDZ). The irrigation system rehabilitation and modernization component will cover about 90,000 acres (36,400 ha). The Project will also strengthen capacity for integrated water resources management (IWRM) at the township, regional and national levels.
MKE was engaged to provide day-to-day project management, administrative, financial, and technical support to the Project Director within the Executing Agency (EA), the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MOALI), during the implementation of the Project.
Plan International Myanmar - GFFO Project Final Evaluation - 2017
Project Description:
From May 2016 to October 2017, Plan implemented the project Expansion and maintenance of lifesaving support services to 31 IDP Camps in Kachin State (in this review, this project is referred to as “GFFO IV”). The project targeted 17,543 direct and indirect beneficiaries in 31 IDP camps in Kachin, 25 of which are in GCAs and six are in NGCAs. The project sought to increase the resilience of IDP populations through a distinct focus on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), nutrition, child protection (CP) and disaster risk reduction (DRR).
The purpose of this final project evaluation was to analyze the effectiveness to aid relevant stakeholders to the project with an assessment as to whether the project’s results were met and to attain an understanding of community perceptions.