CIDA - Local Consulting services for Monitoring Ha Tinh Agricultural Development & Soc Trang SME Development Project - 2013

Project Description:

The Soc Trang Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development Project and the Ha Tinh Agricultural Development Project were being implemented through targeted budget support, and involving the development and strengthening of existing sector policy frameworks, public financial management capacity and existing local accountability frameworks.

MKE assisted CIDA in monitoring and assessing performance against expected results with an aim to mitigate development, environmental and fiduciary risks associated with these projects and complement other Government of Vietnam accountability mechanisms strengthened through the projects’ interventions.

Specifically, MKE helped to monitor the project results, assess the achievements of agreed-upon results and annual priority actions, provide timely technical advisory support to CIDA, monitor the performance of the Project Management Units and other relevant stakeholders as well as monitor the financial management, including procurement to ensure that the projects are being implemented in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contribution arrangement.




CADIF/ DDIF/ AFD - Consultancy services for Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Enhancement Project for CADIF & DDIF - 2013


FinMark Trust/UNCDF - Making Access to Financial Services Possible (MAP) Study - 2013