CIDA - Local Consulting services for Monitoring Ha Tinh Agricultural Development & Soc Trang SME Development Project - 2013

Project Description:

The Soc Trang Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development Project and the Ha Tinh Agricultural Development Project were being implemented through targeted budget support, and involving the development and strengthening of existing sector policy frameworks, public financial management capacity and existing local accountability frameworks.

MKE assisted CIDA in monitoring and assessing performance against expected results with an aim to mitigate development, environmental and fiduciary risks associated with these projects and complement other Government of Vietnam accountability mechanisms strengthened through the projects’ interventions.

Specifically, MKE helped to monitor the project results, assess the achievements of agreed-upon results and annual priority actions, provide timely technical advisory support to CIDA, monitor the performance of the Project Management Units and other relevant stakeholders as well as monitor the financial management, including procurement to ensure that the projects are being implemented in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contribution arrangement.

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CIDA - Facilitation for South East Asia Regional Forum on Sustainable Economic Growth - 2012

Project Description:

The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) was organizing a Southeast Asia Regional Forum on Sustainable Economic Growth (SEG Forum) that would bring together government officials, researchers, civil society organizations and bilateral and multilateral cooperation institutions from around the region. MKE prepared for facilitating the Conference and facilitated it.

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CIDA - Public Financial Management in Three Provinces of Soc Trang and Ha Tinh, Phase II - 2008

Project Description:

Assisted in the planning of three development projects in Central and Southern Vietnam. Assessment of the capability of two province-based Government organizations in Soc Trang and Ha Tinh, with recommendations to improve program design, planning, monitoring and review of program activities, and for cooperation with other organizations within and across the provinces.

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Economic Research Vietnam Economic Research Vietnam

CIDA - Public Financial Management in Three Provinces of Soc Trang and Ha Tinh, Phase I - 2007

Project Description:

An assessment of Public Financial Management to assist CIDA and its provincial partners to design three development initiatives. Using the international standard tools: Capacity and Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF) and Public Expenditure and Fiduciary Accountability Performance Measurement Framework (PEFA) for assessment, data collection and analysis methodology.

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