UNDP - Assessment, Identification and Monitoring of Small-scale Water Infrastructure Needs for Drinking & Irrigation Water in the DryZone of Myanmar - 2016
Project Description:
The project aimed to reduce the increasing impacts of climate change on agricultural and livestock production cycles in the dry zone of Myanmar, particularly the impacts of increasing temperature and evaporation, declining water availability, and intensifying weather events especially flash floods and cyclones.
MKE took responsibility for writing the work plan, organizing township level coordination meetings, including preparing all necessary invitations, administration, logistics, and setting the agenda. MKE also managed and led the coordination meetings to varying degrees, based on results of Township level coordination meetings, realized field verification and consultation with the communities by village meetings and a rapid need assessment (RNA).
Further, MKE assisted in the preparation, translation and capitalization of the results to inform the choice of target villages, organized village level consultation meetings, and Water User Groups (WUG).