World Bank - Implementation of China Enterprises survey - 2012 Training, M&E, Enterprise SurveyChinaDecember 13, 2012World Bank
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - Red River Delta Rural Water Supply& Sanitation – Monitoring & Evaluation Phase 1: Improved Hygiene Behavior - 2012 Impact Measurement, M&E, Social/Environmental SafeguardsVietnamDecember 13, 2012Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Center for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
International Center for Research on Women - Longitudinal study of a workplace education and life skills program in a Garment factory in Cambodia - 2012 M&E, Strategy Development, Social/Environmental SafeguardsCambodiaDecember 13, 2012International Center for Research on Women
GIZ - Follow-up data collection for the result-based monitoring system of the program & Support to decentralized health system - 2012 M&E, Household SurveyVietnamDecember 13, 2012GIZ
Government Inspectorate of Vietnam (GI) - Building a result based M&E system for the Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of the Inspection Sector (POSCIS) - 2011 M&E, Policy Research, Enterprise SurveyVietnamJanuary 12, 2012GI
World Bank (Transaction Centre III) - The Third Rural Finance Project – Mid term Socio-economic Impact Assessment Review - 2011 Market Studies, M&E, Enterprise SurveyVietnamDecember 13, 2011World Bank
IFAD - Evaluation of agro-forestry product manufacturing, processing and product market in Bac Kan province - 2010 Strategy Development, Project Management, M&E, Market StudiesVietnamDecember 12, 2010IFAD
DANIDA - Assessment of Technical Assistance Needs for the Strategic Plan of Agriculture Sector in the Provinces of Dien Bien and Lao Cai - 2010 Baseline Studies, Market Studies, M&E, Household SurveyVietnamDecember 12, 2010DANIDA
Spanish Red Cross in Vietnam - Final Evaluation of the Project “Employment Plan for People with Disabilities and other Vulnerable Groups in the the North Highlands” - 2010 Economic Research, Project Management, M&EVietnamDecember 6, 2010Red Cross
ADB & DFID - Vietnam ADB/DFID funded Making Markets Work for the Poor, Phase II - 2009 Strategy Development, M&E, Market Studies, Policy Research, Impact MeasurementVietnamDecember 4, 2009DFID, Asian Development Bank (ADB)