ICRW - Endline research for career & life skills program among Village Saving and Loan community members of SreAmbel district and Koh Kong province - 2017 Training, Project Management, M&E, Education Safeguards, Social/Environmental SafeguardsCambodiaDecember 19, 2017ICRW
UNDP - Assessment, Identification and Monitoring of Small-scale Water Infrastructure Needs for Drinking & Irrigation Water in the DryZone of Myanmar - 2016 Strategy Development, Project Management, Social/Environmental SafeguardsMyanmarDecember 19, 2016UNDP
Carbon Trust - Scoping study for a low carbon energy security programme in Southeast Asia - 2016 Market Studies, Project Management, Social/Environmental Safeguards, Value Chain AnalysisMyanmarDecember 19, 2016Carbon Trust
CEPA - Country Agribusiness Sector Diagnostics (the "Transaction") - 2016 Project ManagementMyanmarDecember 19, 2016CEPA
Egen (funded by ADB) - Technical Assistance to the Second Upper Secondary Education Development Project - 2016 Capacity Building, Project ManagementVietnamDecember 19, 2016Egen
PlaNet Finance - “Supporting Financial Access via Cooperative Upgrading and Enterprise and Farm Development in Kayin State” - 2016 Project Management, Social/Environmental SafeguardsMyanmarDecember 19, 2016PlaNet Finance
LuxDevelopment - Midterm evaluation of the project “Climate Adapted Local Development and Innovation” - 2015 M&E, Project Management, Social/Environmental SafeguardsVietnamDecember 19, 2015LuxDev
ADB/Conseil Sante - Consultancy services for TA-8842 REG: Greater Mekong Sub-region Health Security Project – PPTA Consultants - 2015 Project Management, Health, M&E, Social/Environmental SafeguardsMulti-CountryDecember 19, 2015Conseil Sante, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
The Association of Volunteers in International Service - Evaluating AVSI project on establishing a farmer’s cooperative in Pyin Ah Lan Village Tract - 2014 M&E, Impact Measurement, Project ManagementVietnamDecember 16, 2014AVSI
The World Bank - National Community Driven Development Project - 2013 Strategy Development, Project Management, Training, Social/Environmental SafeguardsMyanmarDecember 16, 2013World Bank