The World Bank - National Community Driven Development Project - 2013 Strategy Development, Project Management, Training, Social/Environmental SafeguardsMyanmarDecember 16, 2013World Bank
Private Client - Market research into the high-end camera and fine wine market in Yangon - 2013 Market Studies, Strategy DevelopmentMyanmarDecember 16, 2013Private Client
Peace House Shelter Project (AECID) - Development of Result-based Evaluation Indicators and Strategy for the Peace House Shelter Project - 2012 M&E, Strategy Development, Social/Environmental SafeguardsVietnamDecember 13, 2012AECID
POSCIS Secretariat & GI - Chief Technical Adviser to the Program on Strengthening Comprehensive Capacity of the Inspectorate System in Vietnam - 2012 Training, Policy Research, Strategy DevelopmentVietnamDecember 13, 2012POSCIS, GI
CIDA - Facilitation for South East Asia Regional Forum on Sustainable Economic Growth - 2012 Strategy Development, Policy ResearchVietnamDecember 13, 2012CIDA
UNDP Myanmar - Assessment and Development of Beneficiary targeting methodology for programme formulation - 2012 Impact Measurement, Strategy Development, Social/Environmental SafeguardsMyanmarDecember 13, 2012UNDP
International Center for Research on Women - Longitudinal study of a workplace education and life skills program in a Garment factory in Cambodia - 2012 M&E, Strategy Development, Social/Environmental SafeguardsCambodiaDecember 13, 2012International Center for Research on Women
The World Bank - Agriculture and Rural Development Public Expenditure Review - 2012 Strategy Development, Impact Measurement, Policy Research, Social/Environmental SafeguardsVietnamDecember 13, 2011World Bank
The Program on Strengthening the Comprehensive Capacity of Inspectorate Sector (Kien Giang)- Human Resource Development Plan for Provincial Inspectorate of Kien Giang - 2011 Impact Measurement, Project Management, Strategy DevelopmentVietnamDecember 13, 2011SIDA, POSCIS
Irish Aid (Irish Embassy in Hanoi) - Review of the Irish Development Experience Sharing Programme (IDEAS Programme) - 2011 Education Safeguards, Strategy Development, Enterprise SurveyVietnamDecember 12, 2011Irish Aid